FY 2024-25 DRAFT Budget Development Calendar

July 1, 2023
FY 2024 begins, FY 2024 approved budget issued.
August 2023Administration reviews class sizes, teacher allocations and student enrollments when school begins and makes any necessary adjustments.
October 5, 2023School 45-day average daily membership and weighted pupil unit counts due for 2023-24.
November 7, 202345-day student count reports due to SDE (funding adjusted in January) for 2023-24.
December 8, 2023GCSD Board Retreat to identify Board Budget Priorities.
December 14, 2023Meet with Principals representing Elementary, Middle and High Schools to discuss budget procedures. (Joint Leadership Meeting)
January 8, 2024Solicit input from staff on 2024-25 budget via e-mail and the public via the District website.                                                      
Solicit input from Superintendent’s Cabinets.
January 9, 2024SC General Assembly convenes (124th Session).
January 23, 2024100-day pupil count, Average Daily Membership and Weighted Pupil Units
January 29, 2024Principals present budget requests to Budget Review Panel
February 2024Send out 2024-25 School Supply allocations to schools for line item budget preparation.
February 5 & 7, 2024Teacher allocation meetings for 2024-25 with Principals
February 6, 2024Budget Presentations to Board:
* Elementary & Intermediate Schools
* Middle Schools
* High Schools
March 11, 2024Department heads present budget requests to Budget Review Panel.
March 19, 2024Departmental Budget Presentations to Board
March 20, 2024School 135-day Average Daily Membership and Weighted Pupil Unit counts due to District for 2023-24.
April 2024Business Services updates revenue projections based on House Ways and Means Committee’s proposed budget and other local, state and federal agencies’ proposed budgets as applicable.
April 16, 2024School 135-day student counts due to SDE (funding adjusted) for 2023-24.
April 2024Business Services updates revenue projections based on the Senate Finance Committee’s proposed budget and other local, state and federal agencies’ proposed budgets as applicable. Projections will be updated based on most recent actions by the Full Senate during month of April.                                                         
Business Services will compile preliminary budget requests into proposed District budget and present to the Board for review.
May 7, 2024Preliminary Board Consensus on 2024-25 Budget.
May 8, 2024Board’s public hearing on the 24-25 budget advertised in newspaper of general circulation.
May 9, 2024SC General Assembly Adjourns.
June 4, 2024Public Hearing and 2024-25 Budget Adoption.

*Submit input to businesssvcs@gcsd.k12.sc.us 

Printable GCSD FY 2024-25 Budget Development Calendar